Art Directives

Creative Compassion Practice

developed from cultural and creative arts engagement

©Freda Blob | FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio

CCP - Directive 1

Creative Compassion Practice - Directive I 2023 ©FOCUSZART Freda Blob
PDF – 79,5 KB 162 Downloads

Video Directive 1

CCP with Intermodal Transfer and FOAT® Interventions

Recommended Tuning in: FOAT® Pebble Meditation (eyes open or closed

Audio: Pebble Meditation - by Dr. Laury Rappaport (adapted from Thich Nhat Hanh)

CCP - Directive 2

Creative Compassion Practice - Directive II 2023 ©FOCUSZART Freda Blob
PDF – 78,8 KB 154 Downloads

Video Directive 2

CCP with Visual Arts and Focusing Interventions

Recommended Tuning in: Dynamic Shape Drawing DSD from anthroposophic art therapy (eyes open or closed)

Basic forms are transformed through rhythmic moving and swinging lines following breathing

CLICK HERE - Dynamic Shape Drawing (DSD): Directives

You are going to be introduced to three basic DSD pracitices for slowing down and focusing yourself

Tape your piece of paper down onto the table or onto the wall. Standing at the wall makes DSD more sensual as you can move your arm more freely. Take good paper quality, size of paper din A3 min. Use high quality oil pastells. High quality pastells produce better sliding on the paper

Choose the simplest shape to start with and keep up your chosen practice for some days, e.g. 7 days to notice the benefit

  • Drawing waves with different colors: Draw horizontal curvy lines adjusting move and breath. Drawing up: breathing in, drawing down: breathing out. Change breathing direction and see what happens - can you feel the difference?

  • Drawing a circle: Make 5 dots on your paper: north - south - east - west and a dot in the center. Curve your line along the dots in a circle, continue breathing while drawing without resting the hand on the paper. Repeat several times. Experienced practice: drawing the circle without dots

  • Drawing the celtic cross: Make 5 dots on your paper: north - south - east - west and a dot in the center. Draw a looping line from the center downwards and curve around your south, then way back back to the center; draw a looping line to the right and curve around your east, then way back to the center; draw a looping line to the left and curve around your west, then way back to the center; draw a looping line upwards and curve around your north, then way back to the center. Repeat several times. Focus yourself through breathing while drawing: Inhale when drawing downwards, eastwards, westwards and upwards - exhale when curving back to the center. Try the opposite: Exhale when drawing downwards, eastards, westwards and upwards - inhale when curving back to the center. Notice the difference of breathing directions and what it does to you (bodily, emotionally, mentally)

Illustration of Dynamic Shape Drawing by ©Miriam Gronenborn, art therapist (with permission)

Creative Compassion - Art directives

More DSD directives (variations of the celtic cross and other figures of higher challenge) in the Creative Compassion Practice webinars

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Forwarding with Tools of Museum Art-based Therapy

Museum art-based Therapy: An indirect form of creativity covering different methods of picture contemplation, usually practiced in museums or through online museum shows. Pictures of professional artists are offered to perceive and relate to (receptive part). The viewer is invited to use chosen pictures for experimental painting or collage work (active responding)

CLICK HERE - Museum Art-based Therapy (MAT): Directives

Did you know that the artist Adolf Hölzel drew his pastells with eyes closed directly after waking up? He wanted the unconscious to speak through line, shapes and colors. His morning routine may be something you want to try as well

Choose a reference picture of Adol Hölzel (e.g. one reference picture for 7 days) and create a response to it as morning practice. You can use the same color palette as the artist to start with or choose your own color palette. You can copy Hölzel's composition or take parts of his composition and alter them into free creating. You can use the same art material as the artist (oil crayons and pencil) or choose your own art material of preference

  • Document each day of your response practice (make a photo of each of your response pastells), print your documentation and create a Conternina Book for each week (glue down your prints, add free writing) or put prints and writing into your Art Journal

  • Place your photos on different colored background paper, the colors representing the mood of the day. Create a folder for your sheets of one week, add writing/drawing/collaging

  • Hang your response pastells into the window to let the light shine through (experiment with layering some of them on top of each other) or create a prayer flag with your response work

More MAT interventions in the Creative Compassion Practice webinars

Get updated with the Creative Compassion letters

Experimenting with Intermodal Transfer

Bring Creative Compassion Practice to a next level. Get inspired by tools of intermodal transfer

Intermodal transfer: Shifting between one art modality to another to amplify sensory and emotional awareness

CLICK HERE - Intermodal Transfer (IT): Directives

Artistic transfer within the visual modality can happen through change of:

  • art material: different paper or cardboard, different reference pictures, different kind of pastells or crayons, different paints and brushes for watery techniques, working at table or using the easel/drawing board

  • art techniques: dry or watery techniques for pastells and crayons. Oil pastells can be smeared, polished or scraped. They can be be "watered" (made transparent) with terpentine substitute. Crayons can be smeared or watered and then get fixed with fixative spray

Intermodal transfer (shifting between different kinds of arts) can happen through:

  • free writing/lettering/collaging with words - create a poem to express the atmosphere of your reference picture as a whole

  • giving sound to colors of your reference picture - become aware of the different color tones of the pictue and hum each time you touch a color field (receptive engagement) or paint it (active engagement), allow yourself to be guided from within doing sound exploration

  • exploring rhythmic moves inspired by the reference picture - become aware of the inner dynamics of the picture and express the quality of the dynamics by tapping your body with both hands, use different parts of the body for different sounds (e.g. chest - hip), allow your body to be a body of resonance

  • dancing the reference picture - stand in front of your reference picture and follow the curvy lines of the picture through movement, find a posture to stay with and sense inside. Allow yourself to express variations of your posture expressing your body sense, then come into move again.

  • Watch the video of the Adolf Hölzel performance for inspiration

Forwarding through Modalitiy Shift: Dancing the Painting

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